Professional Membership
A professional member must be employed as a school counselor, hold a Masters' Degree in Counseling or related areas and have State Certification.
Associate Membership
One who formerly served as a school counselor or one who is a school counselor but does not meet the professional membership requirements. Persons working in a school counseling program may become an Associate Member upon the recommendation of a Professional Member.
A retiree Member is one who upon retirement held or qualified for Professional Membership.
A Student Member is one who is a full time student at an accredited college or university who is pursuing a degree in guidance and counseling or a higher degree.
A Sustaining Member is any person, company or corporation interested in guidance and counseling, but does not qualify for any other type of membership.
Our Purposes
To foster a close personal and professional relationship among school counselors in Louisiana, public and private, and with counselors in other settings.
To publish scientific, educational, and professional materials
To advance the profession of counseling in order to maximize the educational/academic, occupational; and social/emotional growth of each individual.
To develop, implement and foster interest in career development programs.
To improve the standards of school counseling and the relationships with other pupil personnel services for students in elementary, middle and/or junior high, secondary, and post-secondary settings.
To assume an active role in helping people to understand and improve such services.